Still Wanted: Money Alchemy Supporters
$1,293 Raised
Wisdom & Money (W&M) carries out its transformational work through publications, workshops, spiritual retreats, spiritual companionship and relational circles.
Rooted in the wisdom and prophetic traditions of Christianity, Wisdom & Money invites people of wealth and people from a culture of wealth to engage with money as a doorway to spiritual transformation at the personal, communal and systemic levels.
Wisdom & Money began work in January 2017 as a few circles of spiritual friends who had gathered for several years in an organization called Harvest Time to share our money stories, pray together, and explore the challenge of engaging our finances in a manner that is in alignment with the Holy Spirit. Some questions we asked were:
How does a person of faith, possessing disproportionate material privilege, live with integrity?
Can money move rightly in the world in service to justice and in alignment with the Holy Spirit?
How does Love speak to money?
How does money act in Love?
Our work in circles yielded three surprising discoveries over time. First was the sense of liberation that came from an approach that avoided moralism and guilt but led with conscious love, childlike playfulness and the attractions of beauty. Second was the power and efficacy of contemplative spiritual practices (from the Christian Wisdom tradition) for discerning and enlivening a personal course of prophetic action that felt right. Third was the consistency with which we found ourselves led into justice-seeking partnerships that required skills for working across boundaries of race and class.
At Wisdom & Money, we believe that exploring relationship with money is a powerful spiritual practice that can lead to inner and outer transformation. Money is a symbol of human interconnectedness and the more we are able to bring our relationship with money into alignment with the Holy Spirit, the more divine love can move into the world through us, through our money.
Organization name
Wisdom & Money
other names
Wisdom and Money
Tax id (EIN)
Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking Foundations, Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, Religion-Related
Organization Size
Medium Organization
1259 EL CAMINO REAL SUITE 241Colorado Location
2340 S Corona StCO, US