Who are we?
Athletics & Beyond is a nonprofit organization that is intrinsically designed to increase and expand the educational trajectories of Denver students at risk for high school and college completion. A&B's mission is to create opportunity through exposure. By using athletics to capture the attention of student-athletes, A&B incorporates robust services that also provide participants with the opportunity to develop life skills, explore alternative careers, and have access to preparatory rigorous academic support. Such services have enabled A&B to engage students academically and dramatically increase the likelihood that inner-city students graduate high school, attend and are prepared for higher education as well as obtain the discipline and fortitude to graduate with a post-secondary degree.
A&B Programming consists of four components: 1) Educational Success, 2) Life Skills Building, 3) Career Options and 4) Athletic Development. SAP focuses on at-risk children and youth primarily attending Denver Public Schools (DPS). Currently, there are no other programs in the Denver metro area that combine the aforementioned components into a whole-child approach to at-risk youth development. With the organization's foundation goal and mission to increase high school and post-secondary, this approach has produced graduation and retention rates that are unrivaled by other organizations in the Denver Metro area. The Educational Success component of SAP provides academic support and resources and intensive mentoring. A&B hosts National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eligibility Center workshops, which require academic tutoring; ACT and SAT preparation, and testing and monitoring of the academic progress of students. Additionally, throughout the year A&B student-athletes participate in college campus tours and sports camps and combines.
Increased demand for services from financially disadvantaged families and reduced program fees makes it difficult to scholarship families in need of our services. Financial support helps cover program monthly and annual fixed expenses as well as other general operating expenses required to remain sustainable. A&B is financially sound with checks and balances in place. Financial records are maintained in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). “Audit Ready” financial statements and records are maintained to identify the source/revenue and application/expenditure of funds. All Receipts, bank statements, check stubs, and contracts are stored in files and records kept with the Treasurer and Executive Director.
Staffing and volunteerism: 2 full-time and 7 part-time employees. As we're experiencing growth, we have greater needs for office staff, tutors, coaches, community facilitators, and event volunteers.
Facilities: Athletics & Beyond Family Wellness Center is located in Montbello, 4990 Nome Street, Unit C, Denver, CO 80239. The center is 7,590 sf.
Equipment and uniforms: Gym equipment, boxing ring, modified basketball court, office equipment, office supplies, athletic training equipment, and laptops for academic & athletic NCAA Eligibility Center workshops. Uniforms are needed for our club athletic programs as well as t-shirts and company apparel for marketing and representation at workshops and A&B staff identification.
Through individual financial support, corporate, and grants our programs help kids from these areas to participate.
My name is Michelle McGee I am a single mother of four children and a grandmother of one. The majority of my knowledge was gained while working through my association with Athletics & Beyond and from being a single mother and my Motto is the same.
Serving as the treasure has been an honor.
…"Each One >> Reach One >> Teach One"…
"A&B taught me to not be a big fish in a small pond, but to go out there travel, and compete against the best of the best on a national level through combines and clinics." -#22 Ezekiel Bishop, East FootballAZ State (http:www.athleticsandbeyond.comzeek.html)
"Athletics and Beyond is a concept program developed via the genius and foresight of Narcy Jackson. A program ushering our young boys into mighty men through devotion to athletics, charity, and mentoring, its benefit for our children is beyond measure." Mother of River Thompson- University of Colorado Buffalo football team (http:www.athleticsandbeyond.comriver.html)
"A&B has helped my son make the most out of his high school football experience. Being a great athlete must include being a good student and citizen...