Our Mission
To stand with diverse communities across Colorado in the fight against poverty through research and policy analysis, legislative and legal advocacy and coalition building. We advocate to remove barriers that prevent Coloradans from meeting their basic needs and becoming self-sufficient.
Our Vision
We envision a Colorado where everyone has what they need to succeed.
Our Core Values
The barriers to success are higher for certain groups due to historical oppression, ongoing discrimination and an economy that advantages those who have more over those who have less. We advance laws and policies that address those wrongs so everyone can have what they need to succeed.
The design and implementation of solutions to social problems requires careful planning and community trust. We are deliberate and ethical in our work to ensure the results are reliable, unbiased, grounded in fact and driven by our mission to end poverty.
Strategic Advocacy
Creating lasting social change requires successful implementation of effective policy. We use collaboration and research to inform our agenda and legislative and legal expertise, relationships with decision-makers and informed political strategies to advance and implement that agenda.
We are one part of a broader effort to eliminate poverty and ensure everyone has what they need to succeed. We stand with that anti-poverty movement and honor the combined strength that comes from trusted relationships, shared knowledge and teamwork.
Community Engagement
People burdened by poverty and discrimination know what needs to change. We seek to understand their ideas, honor their priorities, grow their leadership and increase their access to drive system change.