Centro de la Familia

A nonprofit organization

Your generosity allows us to continue serving the hundreds of women and children experiencing family violence, sexual assault, child abuse and neglect every year. Your donation supports their recovery, allowing them to lead productive lives and provide their children with safety and stability.


Cuando yo vine a Centro de la Familia no tenia esperanza, porque yo era victima de violencia doméstica y me sentía que nadie me entendía. Fui a varias organizaciones a perdir a ayuda, pero nadie me pudo ayudar. Cuando vine a Centro de la Familia volví a tener esperanza porque encontré personas que hablan mi mismo idioma y comprendian todos los obstáculos que enfrentamos los immigrantes sin documentos. Ellos me explicaron mis derechos como víctima de crimen, me orientaton sobre como denunciar delitos de una manera segura y me dieron terapia gratuita para mi y para mis hijos. Por primera vez me sentí escuchada y comprendida.

When I came to Centro de la Familia I had no hope, because I was a victim of domestic violence and I felt that no one understood me. I went to various organizations to get help, but no one could understand me to help me. When I came to Centro de la Familia, I had hope again, because I found people who speak my language and understood all the obstacles that immigrants without documents face. They explained my rights as a crime victim, gave me guidance on how to report crimes safely, and gave me free therapy for myself and my children. For the first time I felt heard and understood.


The mission of Centro de la Familia is to serve as a cultural anchor for Hispanic/Latino families by providing an array of services in order to assist them in meeting the challenges of and successfully adapting to living in a new and diverse culture.

Background Statement

Centro started in 1996 providing bilingual counseling services to survivors of domestic violence at the request of TESSA (Colorado Springs' Center for the Prevention of Domestic Violence). Centro was created to address the gap in services to Spanish speakers in El Paso County and surrounding areas. Centro's initial objective was to provide bilingual, bicultural services to Spanish-speaking women who were victims of domestic violence and abuse.

Since that time, due to the continued growth of the Hispanic population, the lack of viable resources and the increasing demand for bilingual, culturally competent crisis intervention, family support and mental health assistance, Centro now provides 7 core programs to strengthen and support our target population with behavioral health and advocacy services. By organically adapting to the mental health needs of the underserved and underrepresented latinx community, Centro has been able to continue providing vital services through 24 years of service. Our clients find in Centro a "Safe heaven" where they feel understood and supported.

Organization Data


Organization name

Centro de la Familia

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Mental Health & Crisis Intervention


1645 S. Murray Boulevard

Service areas

El Paso County, CO, US







Social Media