Community Builders

A nonprofit organization

Community Builders understands how to bring communities together and be sure that everyone is given voice, and has agency in shaping the future of their community. We understand the politics, market dynamics, and creative solutions that work. We also know that talking is just the first step, and that strategizing implementation is the only way forward.

Let's protect what we love about Colorado today and shape a more sustainable tomorrow. 

Let's do it together!


"Community Builder's model of facilitating dialogue and creating space for the community members to become leaders and take ownership of what it means to be a Silvertonian was exactly what our community needed." - Gloria Kaasch-Buerger, Town Administrator of Silverton, Colorado

"Community Builders empowers and enables a community to find solutions for themselves versus having a solution thrust upon them from an outside consultant." - Russ Forrest, City Manager of Gunnison, Colorado

"Through the Community Builders Housing Institute we were able to reengage key community partners and find ways to make a larger impact by working together." - Shay Coburn, Town Planner of Ridgway, Colorado

"After my first CAT (Community Action Team) meeting, it became immediately apparent that both Downtown GJ and Community Builders valued the input of all community members." - Colin St.Clair, Grand Junction, CO


Community Builders helps local leaders build healthy, equitable, and prosperous places that improve people's lives today and ensure a sustainable tomorrow. We believe in livable communities for all.

Background Statement

Community Builders works in our backyard, creating livable communities that tie together healthy and diversified economies, affordable community housing, transportation hubs and creative land use opportunities.

Since 2016, towns and communities throughout the mountain and rural West have turned to Community Builders for leadership training and technical assistance as they reimagine their Main Streets, begin building healthier economies, and focus on smart growth opportunities.

We partner with citizen groups, industry leaders, and local, state and federal governments to look at the hard realities facing our downtowns and evolving economic drivers. Transitioning to clean, green energy is a top priority for our region, and we can help find these new production alternatives. The state as a whole is experiencing a population explosion, driving up housing prices and affecting affordability for workforce housing. We can help clean up vacant and abandoned lots for new businesses and affordable housing. Keeping our communities walkable and vibrant empowers all of us to sustain our downtowns, and we can help find those solutions.

To date, Community Builders has trained over 600 local leaders from communities throughout the rural West. We've completed nearly 40 assistance projects, working shoulder-to-shoulder in communities looking to address bricks-and-mortar change. We have helped realize $60 million of new funding catalyzed and allocated to project implementation.

Organization Data


Organization name

Community Builders

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Community Improvement & Capacity Building

Organization Size

Medium Organization


PO Box 3128
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602

Service areas

Garfield County, CO, US

Gunnison County, CO, US

San Juan County, CO, US

Lake County, CO, US

Montrose County, CO, US



Social Media