Through education, resource connection, and skills building, FIRC helps local workers and families in Summit County achieve stability. FIRC believes that strong families create strong community. Visit the FIRC website for more details.
Mother from FIRC's Alma Program:
After being a part of the parent educator program, the Fernandez* family had a very successful process. The program allowed single mother, Jenny*, to take the next step in achieving greater goals that she considered out of reach. Jenny* felt great support and she and FIRC's team worked together to make a big impact on her child's social life. This allowed her son to go to preschool while Jenny took the step into having a full-time job, all leading to a healthy and happier lifestyle.
- Alma Program Graduate & Summit County Resident 5+yrs; *Name changed to protect anonymity.
Recipient of Rental Assistance:
"Thank you ever so much for helping me with rental assistance. I am a single mother with a two year old and eight year old. I am a teacher, but haven't had much work this summer. I am forever grateful for your generosity."
Recipient of Utility Assistance:
A mother of two special needs children came into FIRC after her electricity and heat had been disconnected for two days. The family's food in the refrigerator and freezer was going bad, the house was so cold at night that the family had to sleep in the same bed to stay warm and her youngest boy with special needs was scared and couldn't comprehend why the house was dark and cold.
Losing the electricity and heat is new for this family. This mother has raised five children, two of which are currently serving in the military. She has been succeeding as a single mom for 11 years and was doing really well as a mortgage broker. Three years ago were living in a large home and had everything they needed in life. Then the mother's brokerage company shut down and they lost everything. The family moved to Summit County because she figured if she would have to take any job she might as well provide a better quality of life for her child with autism. Living in the city is hard for him with all of the noise and distraction and he's in Summit County he is able to keep his mind calm thanks to the serene setting.
Recently, the mother became unexpectedly unemployed, causing the inability to pay Xcel. Soon she will be starting a new job. "I just needed to make it through this month, and without FIRC's help, I don't know how I would have gotten my children through this situation," the mother stated. "It's very humbling to have everything one day and now be in a situation like this, another. With my deepest gratitude, thank you to all who donated to this fund. I don't think donors realize the true impact their money can make on a family's life. I just needed a little help to get back on my feet. FIRC and these donors have truly made a difference for me and my children."