Friends for Youth

A nonprofit organization

Friends for Youth's mission is to support Positive Youth Development for youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare systems by providing caring adult mentors, life-enriching experiences and enhanced community connections resulting in successful life transitions.


All youth have dreams and deserve the opportunity to achieve them. Friends for Youth strives to create opportunities and structured experiences that enable youth to succeed. With your help, we can reach even more youth!


Friends for Youth's (FFY) mission is to support Positive Youth Development for youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare systems by providing caring adult mentors, life-enriching experiences and enhanced community connections resulting in successful life transitions.

Background Statement

FFY began in 1998 as the youth mentoring arm of Colorado Volunteers in Juvenile and Criminal Justice. It became an independent 501(c)3 in 2006. FFY is now one of only three mentoring agencies in the Denver metro area serving system involved youth. FFY offers four distinct, but interrelated programs: One-to-one mentoring, Site-based Mentoring, Group Mentoring, and the Success Journey program for teens exiting the Division of Youth Corrections. FFY follows evidence-based practices for mentoring high risk youth.

Organization Data


Organization name

Friends for Youth

other names

Friends for Youth, Friends for Youth, Colorado Volunteers in Juvenile and Criminal Justice

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Youth Development

Organization Size

Medium Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Child Care Credit


28101 E. Quincy Ave.
Watkins, CO 80137

Service areas

Adams County, CO, US





Social Media