Friends of Youth and Nature

A nonprofit organization

Our goal is to help local youth build confidence, self-esteem, and resilience with mentored outdoor skill building activities and nature learning experiences. Your donation will allow more youth to have these experiences which are proven to reduce stress, build confidence and improve academic performance for at-risk youth.


The following remarks from participants in our mentored outdoor skills experiences:

"I always tell myself I can't do it. Then I get to the top, see the view and remember that the work is always with it." Haven House youth participant, 15 years old.

"I came into this trip full of judgment and insecurity, and left more confident and secure, and myself in my trust in others. I was alone before this trip, and now I have the belief and proof to show I'm not actually alone. This trip was incredibly freeing, scary, sad yet beautiful and I faced so many of my fears, and I tried new things. Overall, I can't even believe I had an experience so incredible and introspective." Another FOYAN scholarship recipient 

"With 81% of our kids participating in Free and Reduced lunch programming, most of our students are living in poverty, and many have experienced traumatic events in their short lives. COVID-19 has made learning even more difficult, academically, and emotionally. This trip would not have been possible without your support, and it was the highlight of their school year. It has positively impacted these students in so many ways!" Shared by a youth instructor on FOYAN's community impact.

Giving Activity


Our mission is to have all youth in Western Colorado develop into resilient, confident, and healthy individuals through access to the outdoors.

Through these experiences, they will grow an appreciation for our natural world, fostering a desire for action as stewards of our world in order to provide the same opportunities for future generations.

We support Western Slope youth to be able to access nature experiences that support mental health and build resilience, and foster a sense of stewardship to our natural resources and public lands.

Background Statement

Friends of Youth and Nature is an all-volunteer 501c3 charity organization founded in 2018 to connect youth in Mesa, Delta, Montrose, and Ouray Counties to outdoor activities. We have board members in each county to ensure an intimate connection to local youth in need. Our organization has grown each year since we became established increasing our youth contact from 800 in 2018 to over 8,500 in 2024. In total, we have reached over 36,000 western slope youth with outdoor experiences. Being outdoors has provided an opportunity for youth to learn, connect to peers and mentors, and build self-confidence through outdoor skill building and guided challenges. Many studies have shown that with time spent outdoors (even as short as 20 minutes) in a quiet space or in a physically challenging endeavor, our local youth develop resiliency and emotional well-being. We pride ourselves at never having to turn away a request for assistance.

Please take a moment to read more about our programs to get youth engaged with nature and the outdoors:

"Together for Resilient Youth" Program

Farm to School Projects

Watershed Education

Funding for scholarships, transportation, and project supplies

"Sharon's Kids"

Outdoor gear free lending library

(More details are described in the Program section below)

Organization Data


Organization name

Friends of Youth and Nature

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Youth Development, Education, Environment, Food, Agriculture & Nutrition, Mental Health & Crisis Intervention, Recreation & Sports, Science & Technology

Organization Size

Small Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Enterprise Zone Credit


P.O. Box 634
Hotchkiss, CO 81419

Service areas

Delta County, CO, US

Mesa County, CO, US

Montrose County, CO, US

Ouray County, CO, US



Social Media