Heritage Camps for Adoptive Families

A nonprofit organization

$58,930 raised by 220 donors

98% complete

$60,000 Goal


"Thirteen years ago today we saw the sweet faces of our children for the first time. We took the classes. Passed the home study. Bought the cribs. Nothing could have prepared us for amazing, emotional, and daunting task that was before us. We wouldn't change a thing - well maybe one thing. We would have found Heritage Camps for Adoptive Families earlier. We underestimated the twins' need to be around people who look like them. We underestimated our need to learn from other adoptive parents. Now, we plan our summer around camp."
"I am not certain my words can capture the feeling the camp gave me: a sense of belonging even though I was a first time attendee. Raising adopted kids is not always easy and the challenges are not always tangible to those around us, be it extended family, friends, schools, neighbors, etc. At camp, there is a complete understanding of the trials as well as the joys that create the families we've chosen to become. This was the best life experience my family has ever had!"
"Camp is the one place where our child feels entirely comfortable about being adopted as well as Vietnamese. We live in an area with low ethnic diversity, and being able to see other kids and counselors that are so comfortable themselves has been great, especially as middle schoolers are trying to figure out how much they want to conform or be different. This is the one family activity she looks forward to and talks about all year long."
"It means facing the issues of adoption square on for a weekend; having my family with families that look like ours. creating an opening for conversation with my kids. hearing what other families are doing. obtaining resources and connections. Overall, a wonderful experience!"


Our Mission

Heritage Camps for Adoptive Families is a post-adoption resource dedicated to promoting healthy adoption, racial, and ethnic identities in transracial, transnational, and domestic adoptees by creating an intrinsic sense of belonging through our programming and community.

Our Vision

To continue to be a leading post-adoption resource and advocate, accessible to all adoptees and adoptive families, growing and adapting as adoption changes worldwide.

We accomplish our mission by facilitating events, including our 9 camps, which provide culturally relevant and family-centered experiences for every member of the family. These events provide adoptees of all ages and families with both a deeper sense of community and an individual identity.

Background Statement

In 1995, Heritage Camps for Adoptive Families, Inc. was established as a 501 C(3) non-profit organization. The organization acts as a post-adoption resource and advocate for families who have adopted children internationally or domestically. It organizes annual heritage camps to offer culturally relevant experiences and adoption support for both the adopted children and their families. Additionally, workshops and activities are provided for adoptees aged 18 and above. Responding to the needs of adoptive families globally, HCAF has grown to host 9 heritage camps catering to various populations of adoptees and their families.

HCAF is the only organization in Colorado offering these heritage camp experiences, and the only one in the nation that offers 9 separate camps for adoptive families. These family camps are residential and held at various sites in the Colorado Rockies and along the Front Range.

Organization Data


Organization name

Heritage Camps for Adoptive Families

other names

HCAF, Colorado Heritage Camps

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Youth Development

Organization Size

Medium Organization


2052 Elm Street
Denver, CO 80207

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US





Social Media