The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado

A nonprofit organization

$5,355 raised by 60 donors

11% complete

$50,000 Goal

The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado gives a voice to Coloradans who want to put their faith into action as a force for good in public life. We welcome anyone who would like to join us.

Your gift will support us in defending religious liberty and working for racial and economic justice. Some of our programs include: 

FAITH FAMILY NETWORK: FFN is Interfaith’s signature initiative for engaging faith communities in rich and generative dialogue on timely and salient topics. From Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to Clean Slate and Record Sealing, we aim to bring important conversations to people all over Colorado.  Sign up YOUR faith community today!

FREE TO READ: In a time of censorship, Interfaith created the Free to Read program to provide banned books to communities. Every quarter, participants will be offered an opportunity to read a selected book. Discussion guides, select programming opportunities, and advocacy tools take participants beyond the role of reader.

IKEDA DIALOGUE SERIES: This special education initiative was born at IAC and formalizes our emphasis on dialogue as a means of bridging gaps in understanding, community, and fellowship. Upcoming topics include Joint Antisemitism & Islamophobia training and the Rise in Christian Nationalism. Events will be open to the public. See website for registration and details. 

Read about all our programs in the organizational info below!  


The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado promotes justice, religious liberty and interfaith understanding through building relationships in order to educate, advocate, and catalyze social change.

We envision a society where all people are free and supported to live the life they wish for. We imagine faith communities from many traditions and backgrounds who are committed to work grounded in our shared values, in order to engage in collaborative action to dismantle systemic oppression.

We see people coming together across our many differences to build authentic, 'got your back' friendships, to celebrate together in moments of joy, to grieve together in times of pain, and to advocate and work together to improve people's lives.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, Religion-Related, Education, Housing & Shelter

Organization Size

Medium Organization


1373 N Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US