Background Statement
Life Center Ethiopia was founded in 2013 when our Executive Director and Founder visited her home country of Ethiopia for the first time after leaving. She left Ethiopia is 2008 and lived with her two small children in a refugee camp in Kenya before being granted assylum in Denver, Colorado. Her husband, Tamrat Layne was a former Prime Minister of Ethiopia and was falsely imprisoned in 2007. Mulu lived in the US as a single mom, basically a widow, until her husband was released from prison and was allowed to join his family in Denver. Mulu and Tamrat had pledged their lives to making Ethiopia better by alleviating poverty. After they both converted to Christianity and Mulu returned to Ethiopia, she knew that the way to change the country was not through the government, but through the people. By loving them and showing them the love of God, and by practically meeting financial and physical needs of children through sponsorship and widows through business training and microloans. Because of Life Center Ethiopia, hundreds of families have been given the opportunity to obtain an education and start small businesses. In 2021, eight of our original sponsored children graduated from university or vocational school and are employed in ways they never dreamed possible!