Organization name
Lincoln Elementary PTSA
other names
Lincoln PTSA
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Small Organization
710 S Pennsylvania StDenver, CO 80209
Denver County, CO, US
$4,628 raised by 37 donors
31% complete
$15,000 Goal
Thank you for showing your Lynx Heart!
Your generosity is key to transforming the lives of our students.
Opportunity to create in the Innovation Lab. Memorable field trips. Extra help with a difficult subject. Teachers that are engaged and supported. Events that bring the Lincoln community together. Students receiving a top-notch education.
You make all of these things possible. You make Lincoln more than just a school, you give Lincoln heart!
What your gift will do:
Fund classroom support staff (paraprofessionals) so teachers have more time to teach and create more opportunities for focused, small group instruction
Allow a teacher to purchase critical resources for their classroom with a teacher grant
Provide a space where students can touch, feel and experience the wonders of science, technology, engineering and math in our Innovation Lab
Open doors to memorable field trips, after-school programs and a world of enriching activities
Create a fun and vibrant school community through our events like Fall Festival and Bike Rodeo
The difference YOU make:
"The Lincoln PTSA is a wonderful group of PARENTS who support the TEACHERS and STUDENTS at Lincoln and we are so thankful for their hard work and dedication to our school. There is so much that the PTSA does for our school it is hard to choose just one thing that stands out, however, the money they raise every year to fund Paraprofessionals for our classrooms is an enormous help. Teachers need to have that extra support in the classroom. We use our Paraprofessionals to help work with small groups, making copies, grading papers, or helping with class projects. We couldn't do it without them!"
~ Amy Jones (Senior Team Lead/Math Interventionist, Lincoln Elementary)
Why should we donate to public schools when we pay taxes that support our schools?
Lincoln Elementary’s PTSA raises critical funds to support our school. Despite being the nation's 12th richest state, Colorado public schools rank in the bottom third of the nation in per pupil spending. The funds raised bridge the gap between the funding provided by Denver Public Schools and what it actually costs to equip each of our students with the best learning environment possible.
The taxes you pay are distributed by Denver Public Schools, with each school receiving a baseline, per-pupil allocation. Additional funding is added, based on a number of factors, including the number of students at the school who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch, English language learners and Title I. This funding model is designed to allocate resources equitably amongst schools. Our population is 17% Free and Reduced Lunch and does not qualify for Title 1. Our historic building has a small capacity, yet our school has a similar operational overhead as those with double the student population.
In national per pupil spending, Colorado ranks in the bottom 30%
To realize our 2024-25 vision, our PTSA is planning to raise funds that would increase our per pupil funding to approximately $10,000.
We fundraise for Lincoln because our school’s per-pupil allocation is just enough to keep the lights on and the copy machine working. ALL SCHOOLS in the US, whether public or private, rely on donations to provide high quality education. Without our community’s support and generosity, our school would be a very different place.
Vision: Lincoln fosters curious, confident, and joyful students prepared to reach their highest achievements and full potential.
Mission: Lincoln Elementary and Montessori is a collaborative and inclusive school that provides exceptional academic programming in dynamic learning environments. We celebrate diversity, the whole child, and a growth mindset. Lincoln’s dedicated educators work alongside parents, families and community members to cultivate independent, lifelong learners.
Lincoln PTSA mission: To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families to advocate for all children.
As parents, families, and community members, the Lincoln Elementary PTSA is committed to offering support to staff and students in a variety of ways to ensure that our children have opportunities within the school and neighborhood. As a small school in Denver Public School, we understand it is incumbent upon us to vocalize our school’s needs within DPS and to support the culture that makes our neighborhood school special.
Through community-building events, classroom programs, school-wide assemblies, volunteer engagement and fundraising, we are committed to supporting the Mission and Vision established in the ‘22-’25 Strategic Plan.
Organization name
Lincoln Elementary PTSA
other names
Lincoln PTSA
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Small Organization
710 S Pennsylvania StDenver County, CO, US