Your support assists NAMI Colorado to facilitate the growth of the no cost education programs and support services throughout the state of Colorado and to build communities of recovery and hope by educating, supporting, and advocating for those affected by mental illness and their families.

NAMI Colorado was formed in 1980 as a grassroots organization serving the needs of people living with a mental illness and their families. We continue the tradition of our grassroots organization by working through local affiliates throughout Colorado. NAMI Colorado provides training, support and technical assistance to our local volunteers and provides a statewide voice on issues related to mental health.
"I liked how they weren't ashamed to talk about illness. This was helpful, thank you."
"I liked how engaging and real it was. End the silence is a strong motto. This made me very hopeful and more comfortable with my mental illness. I loved it. Its really important."
"I liked everything. Connections on a personal level with the presenters helps so much. The presenters were strong, beautiful, energetic, vibrant and focused. I think NAMI has done an amazing job at presenting stories about their experience."