The Sand Creek Regional Greenway Partnership (SCRGP) is creating a generation of caring environmental stewards by increasing the equitable access, awareness, and engagement of the Sand Creek Regional Greenway. Through the stewardship of the Greenway and facilitating accessible and engaging outdoor education and recreation, we ensure every youth, adult, and family has the opportunity to create memorable experiences in nature.
Whether you are looking for a bike ride, an environmental education program, a chance to catch crawdads in the Creek, or help remove trash and litter SCRGP's staff are dedicated to providing fun, engaging, and responsive programs to our community! Without them, we would not be able to share in the beauty of The Greenway with you.
A gift to the Sand Creek Regional Greenway Partnership not only protects the wilderness found thriving along your favorite portion of the Sand Creek Regional Greenway but also creates accessible and engaging outdoor experiences for all members of the northeast metro Denver community.
Join alongside us as we invest more in our organization this year and ensure the future of SCRGP is sustainable for the future generations to come.
Our goal from November 1st through the end of the year is to raise $13,000! This will help us fund the time our staff spend creating programs and caring for The Greenway! Learn more on our social media pages and join us for a special campaign from December 3rd to December 10th, 2024, to discover the reasons why our incredible team is dedicated to serving you. Hear their inspiring stories and find out what drives their passion for this work!
"Thank YOU sincerely from the bottom of my heart! That was one of the best programs we have ever had! The buzz around the school among teachers, students, and parents is they can't wait for your next program!" - Educator from a local school
"One of our students was not doing well in school since they had just arrived from Venezuela. With little knowledge of English, they were struggling and consistently being bullied by other students to the point where they would decide not to come to school. Your Nature Club is what got them to start coming back! It has been beautiful to watch them feel safe and comfortable communicating in Spanish with peers." - Educator from a local school
"Hola, gracias por invitarnos a estas bonitas actividades y por traer a nuestros hijos memorias y diversion, ya nos inscribimos para el dia 28 muchas gracias!" - Parent who participated in our Outdoor Wellness program
During one of the first after-school programs with our Outdoor Wellness Program Manager, a student struggled with being close to her peers and asked to do the activity far away from others. We had a huge breakthrough just last week as we watched them challenge themself and interact with their peers! We played a sensory-smelling game with different essential oils that the kids could guess. This student was so enthusiastic and very involved. It was moving to see her smile.
"A moment I will not forget is when a group of people didn’t show up to volunteer because they didn’t think there was much trash. When we walked down to the creek bed, we found a sea of trash. There were only 3 of us there so we couldn’t get everything but we still managed to clear out a lot." - Active Volunteer