Southern Colorado Community Action Agency, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

72% complete

$10,000 Goal

SoCoCAA is with YOU--every step of the way. We are there with a hand up when needed at different times in a person's life, just to get them over the next obstacle. Diverse, responsive and accountable, SoCoCAA will use your gift to make a difference for people and families in southwest Colorado.


SoCoCAAs mission is to empower community members of all ages to recognize and reach their full potential by providing select programs and services in order to create better communities.

Background Statement



SoCoCAA, was created as Southern Ute Community Action Programs, (SUCAP) by resolution of the Southern Ute Tribal Council in 1966. Prior to that date, programs associated with the President's "War on Poverty" were delivered to the Southern Ute Indian Reservation, the Ignacio Community and the surrounding rural area by an organization in Durango, Colorado. The twenty-six mile distance between Durango and Ignacio made it difficult for the Durango-based program to effectively serve the needs of the low-income population in the Ignacio area.

In 1966, the Southern Ute Indian Tribe was given the opportunity to receive grant funds from the federal Office of Economic Opportunity-Indian Desk (OEO). The Tribal Council accepted the opportunity on the condition that OEO would agree to the Tribe's plan to offer the services to all low-income people residing within the boundaries of School District 11JT regardless of ethnic background. This action was unique because most Indian Tribes with Community Action Programs opted to serve only their own Tribal membership. Because of the Homestead Act, the Southern Ute Reservation is checkerboarded with Indian and non-Indian owned lands within the borders. The Tribal Council believed, that if they were to truly develop Tribal human resources, they must help improve the lives of their non-Indian neighbors as well. This basic philosophy was translated into an overall plan for "Total Community Development" and the philosophy has continued to be a focal point for projects planned and implemented by the Tribe, the Town of Ignacio, the Ignacio schools, SoCoCAA and other cooperating agencies.

To assure maximum community participation, the Tribal Council established the SoCoCAA (SUCAP) Organization. A Board of Directors who provides overall guidance and direction to the Organization, and an Executive Director who supervises day-to-day activities, are vital to the operation and administration of the organization. SoCoCAA operates under a centralized management system and has earned an enviable and longstanding track record for accountability and compliance. SoCoCAA is recognized as a private non-profit corporation, incorporated under the laws of the State of Colorado and operating as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The SoCoCAA's Ignacio Senior Center is a program that is vital to the well-being of the elderly residents of the community. Because the Ignacio community places so much value on these services, a system of patchwork funding has come together to allow SoCoCAA to continue to keep the doors open. The major focus is a meals program for the elderly. Meals are provided in a congregate setting three times per week and meals are delivered to the homebound five days per week. In addition, the staff provides outreach services, transportation in the Ignacio area and to Durango, information and referral services and advocacy for the elderly with medical providers, insurance issues and social security personnel. An exercise class for seniors is held twice weekly, and games, outings and other social events occur as frequently as funding allows.

SoCoCAA's Ignacio Youth Services Division provides activities to promote healthy lifestyles for young people, including nutrition, exercise and avoidance of drugs and alcohol. The Curiosity After School program assists young people with their studies and presents information in different and creative ways. Project Venture is an evidence-based curriculum that helps adolescents learn from self-challenge and outdoor adventure.

In 2001, SoCoCAA established the Road Runner Transit program providing public transportation between Ignacio and Durango. Over the years, this service has grown to provide weekday service from Ignacio to Durango, Bayfield to Durango. In July of 2014, Road Runner began daily intercity service between Durango and Grand Junction.

In 1996, SoCoCAA was honored by the El Pomar Foundation with the Award for Excellence in Human Services-Family.

In 2018, the Southern Ute Community Action Programs (SUCAP) faced a reduction in federal grant funding that was passed through the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, which impacted their alcohol treatment program and child care services. In response to these challenges, the organization underwent a reorganization and rebranded as the Southern Colorado Community Action Agency Inc. (SoCoCAA). Despite these changes, SoCoCAA remains committed to its mission and continues to provide essential services to the community

Organization Data


Organization name

Southern Colorado Community Action Agency, Inc.

other names

SoCo, Southern Ute Community Action Programs, Inc.

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization


535 Candelaria Drive
Ignacio, CO 81137


P.O. Box 800
Ignacio, CO 81137

Service areas

La Plata County, CO, US



Main Number




Social Media