The Cloud Foundation

A nonprofit organization

$7,590 raised by 80 donors

51% complete

$15,000 Goal

The Cloud Foundation is committed to protecting wild horses and burros on public lands. We strive to educate the public about the history, ecological significance, and conservation efforts surrounding these iconic animals, emphasizing their vital role in North America's natural heritage. Through our initiatives, we aim to (1) raise awareness on the value they bring to our ecosystems and culture, and (2) play a vital role in their preservation and protection.


The Cloud Foundation is dedicated to the preservation and protection of America's wild horses and burros on our public lands through education and advocacy.

Background Statement

The Cloud Foundation is a Colorado 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, that grew out of Ginger Kathrens' knowledge and fear for not only Cloud's herd but other wild horses in the West. "I began to realize that we were losing America's wild horses," Ginger says. "They are rounded up by the thousands, losing in an instant what they value most--freedom and family. I realized that even Cloud and his family were in danger."

"In Cloud's remote mountain wilderness, we have a perfect opportunity to step back and watch nature call the shots. Predators and daunting weather are limiting the herd size naturally," she states. "Yet, human overmanagement is jeopardizing their future survival. We could lose Cloud and his herd forever unless we're willing to stand up for them now."

The non-profit, The Cloud Foundation (TCF), is dedicated to preventing the extinction of Cloud's herd in the Pryor Mountains through education, media events and programming, and public involvement. TCF is also determined to protect all of America's wild horses and burros on public lands, raising awareness on their unique characteristics and historical significance.

Cloud was rounded up for the third time in September of 2009 despite a huge public effort to try and stop this unnecessary roundup. Cloud and his band were released two days after they were captured, but Cloud's grandchildren and his daughter were removed along with more than 50 others, leaving the Pryor herd at only 125 horses. Cloud returned to his family in his rugged mountain home - living wild and free - until he disappeared in 2016. We continue our work in his honor to preserve what wild horses value most - their freedom and their families.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Cloud Foundation

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Medium Organization


107 South 7th Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80905

Service areas

El Paso County, CO, US





Social Media