The Matthews House empowers youth and families by building trusting relationships and providing resources to disrupt the cycles of poverty and abuse. We provide holistic case management to address the individual needs of each client using the latest research and evidence-based practices.
In Northern Colorado...
1 in 10 families Lives at or Below the Poverty Line
Poverty is about scarcity, not about ambition. It is about having a lack of access to everyday needs, which is often out of one’s control. This is more than just a roof over one’s head or a warm meal at a table, it is an overall absence of social, emotional, and societal support. We are here to fill in the cracks and secure the fault lines of insufficiency; we aim to equip individuals with the tools necessary to foster a stable and secure life.
There are 400+ Unaccompanied Homeless Youth, Ages 15-21
Currently, the infrastructure aimed at alleviating housing insecurity in Northern Colorado predominantly caters to the needs of adults. This inadvertently leaves a void in assistance for our younger community members. In the heart of this challenge lies the untold story of homeless youth in our area. We aim to redefine the narrative and provide a stepping stone towards brighter tomorrows.
Coming January 2025...
The Landing, N. Colorado's Youth Shelter & Drop-In Center
In 2024, The Matthews House is expanding its current services dedicated to assisting at-risk youth. We are excited to introduce two new locations in Loveland (overnight and day drop-ins) and Fort Collins (day drop-ins). Through collaborations with Thompson School District, Poudre School District, and numerous other community organizations, we are proud to present the region’s exclusive shelter for homeless youth.
"The Community Life Centers and The Matthews House are amazing places staffed with kind and gentle people. The coaches are very professional, yet they get to know you on a personal basis to better assist you in your specific situation. The resources that this program offers are plentiful and very helpful... I am thankful to have a place to go for anything I need, and thankful for the wonderful staff members that go the extra mile to ensure I reach my goals." - Nikki
"I had a newborn and I had no permanent place to live. I was terrified. The Matthews House gave me more help than I could have ever hoped for. They helped me not only find a permanent residence, but also helped with furniture as well. They provided help and friendship. I'm glad to have met them." - Jewel
Empowering youth and families through connection, self-efficacy, and independence.
Background Statement
Live the Victory, Inc. [DBA: The Matthews House] was established in 2005 as a nonprofit organization committed to creating opportunities for under-served young adults. Founder and Executive Director, Jerri Schmitz, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Sara Mitchell, identified a gap in the services available for transitioning and emancipating youth aged 16-21, particularly those leaving foster care or the juvenile justice system. The Matthews House Transition Program helped fill this gap. No other agencies offer comprehensive services of life skills training, one-on-one case management, and mentoring to youth in Larimer County.
Since 2005, The Matthews House programs have expanded significantly. In 2007, the Larimer County Department of Human Services contracted with The Matthews House to administer the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program grant, dramatically increasing the scope of clients reached. A formal Experiential Education program was established for youth offering art, music and improv groups. We created our Families program in 2010, extending services to families involved in child welfare. In 2012, we opened the doors of our first Community Life Center, making services available to the general public for the first time. We have since added our Youth and Family Programs, extensively grown our Experiential Education program and opened a second Community Life Center in 2015.
In 2020, we partnered with Poudre School District and started our first Learning Hub at Poudre High School and Fort Collins High School.
In 2021, we started our music program for youth. Since its infancy, we have had over 50 music lessons.
The Matthews House is the only project of Live the Victory, Inc.
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Organization Data
Organization name
The Matthews House - Help Youth & Families Today!
other names
The Matthews House, TMH, Education and Life Training Center
Year Established 0
Tax id (EIN)
Human Services, Youth Development, Housing & Shelter
Organization Size
Large Organization
Colorado State Tax Credits
Colorado Child Care Credit
415 Mason Ct, #1 Fort Collins, CO 80524
400 S Link Lane Fort Collins, CO 80524
531 S College Ave Fort Collins, CO 80524
NoCO Regional Youth Shelter 1500 Monroe Ave Loveland, CO 80538