Organization name
Safe Harbor Lab Rescue
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Medium Organization
601- 16th St., C-322Golden, CO 80401
$51,150 raised by 276 donors
85% complete
$60,000 Goal
From Daisy's new mom: "I had been a foster for about a year and a half when Daisy came into my life. I have always had a soft spot for senior dogs and there was just something special about Daisy. I was not supposed to have a foster but Daisy came to Safe Harbor and needed a home. It was meant to be. She fit right in with my current dog and the dogs I was dog sitting.
Daisy is doing great. When I first got her she was overweight at 110 pounds, and she is now a stealth 89 pounds and moves like a young dog. She loves her new brother, following him everywhere and even wrestling with him from time to time. She also loves her friends at the park. We go for walks twice a day and she sometimes outpaces me. I am so thankful Daisy landed in my home. She is the right amount of sweet with a touch of sass. We love her. "
Jordy kindly took a few moments out of his busy forever dog schedule to send us an update on his new life:
Although I'll admit I'm still a little confused about why I was left at that veterinarian place, they were all very nice to me and all, but still what was that about...I still wonder why???? But then I got picked up from the vet place and came to the Lady's house. And right away she let me sleep on her bed! Can you imagine? I jumped right up on it after having surgery and she let me stay there! How awesome that was, but I was still ever so leery, but then the Lady told me I was now in total retirement and not only could I sleep on the bed but I could sleep on it with her at night! Sweet for my old arthritic joints! AND she also said I could have lots of treats. I always have to sit before the treat and am told "gentle, gentle, gentle" because I'm a big snack pirate (we won't talk about the "kitchen incident.") OMG The Lady walks me every day, brushes me, kisses me and rubs my tummy so many times a day, I can't count that high! And I proudly bark at every doorbell ring, even the ones on TV cause you can't be too careful! Life is just dog-gone good!
To rescue, provide a high level of compassionate care and successfully rehome stray, abandoned or surrendered Labrador Retrievers giving priority to those in Colorado.
Founded in 2002 Safe Harbor Lab Rescue is a well-respected organization in the animal welfare community with over 4,600 Labs rescued, many active volunteers, committed leadership and a supportive donor base.
While staying focused on our mission as well as sound management and fiscal practices, our rescue work also reaches out to two under-served, and often overlapping populations of Labs needing rescue: those with good temperaments but challenging medical conditions with a good prognosis, and seniors. A constant for us over the years has been not only the dedicated and tireless work of our volunteers, but the joy of seeing our rescued Labs made whole in body and spirit and welcomed into loving forever homes.
We recently acquired a property that will be renovated to accommodate our Labs, and supplement the capacity of our all-volunteer foster based rescue.
Safe Harbor Lab Rescue supports our community by assisting families who need to surrender their Lab often for economic reasons or life changes. We partner with the Colorado animal welfare community by providing assistance to Colorado animal shelters, and with memberships in the Metro Denver Animal Welfare Alliance and the Colorado Federation of Animal Welfare Agencies.
Organization name
Safe Harbor Lab Rescue
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Medium Organization
601- 16th St., C-322CO, US