A 'Word of Thanks' from Next with Kyle Clark
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Second Chance Center, Inc.Our campaign for $150,000 will allow us to provide housing for 12 individuals for 1 year. Suggested donation of $5.
raised by 1,084 people
$150,000 goal
A safe affordable place to call home is the most urgent need for people leaving prison. The lack of welcoming and supportive housing is the biggest practical barrier to overcoming the addictions, brain injuries, trauma, and mental health problems that more than 85% of people bring with them from prison. Since 2012, Second Chance Center has helped formerly incarcerated people transition to lives of success and fulfillment - and the first step of that long and challenging journey begins with helping them find a home.
SCC is developing housing for wherever people are on their journey from prisoner to contributing community member. They offer emergency shelter, permanent supportive housing, Peer support housing, transitional housing to help folks find their feet, and affordable workforce housing. With the help of grants and donations, SCC covers the rent until returning citizens can pay their own way, giving them the relief they need to find a job, pursue career training and/or address their substance use and mental health concerns.
The USA incarcerates more people and for longer sentences than any other developed nation. America locks away a disproportionate number of minorities, especially people of color. Second Chance Center is working to stem the tide of unfair policing and sentencing, but in the meantime, this organization, started by three African American men with a shared incarceration history of more than 75 years inside, is dedicated to building safe communities for everyone. Colorado's recidivism rate averages 47% - nearly half of people released return to prison. Very few people who seek help from SCC return to crime. SCC's recidivism rate is 10% - and for those people deemed "medium - high risk" by the Department of Corrections and enrolled in SCC's state-funded intensive supportive programming, the rate is only 4.6%! SCC doesn't just help former prisoners, it helps to keep our communities safe.
It costs $70 to house a person for a night in a motel; but for only $34.50 a day, SCC can provide returning citizens with a room of their own in shared housing where they support each other in rebuilding their lives and contributing to their community.