What Kind of World Would YOU Like to See?

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Civic Canopy
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I've set a goal of connecting 15 new donors to the work of the Civic Canopy--please join me!

14 donors

raised $3,200

15 donor goal

When my daughter Elena was 5, she desperately wanted a dog.  Convinced we were already outmatched by caring for two little ones, my wife and I strongly resisted Elena’s ever-stronger sales pitches.  Then savvy Elena tried a new move: “Dad, I know we aren’t getting a dog.   But if we ever did get a dog, what kind of dog would YOU want to get?” And that is how Boris joined our family a few weeks later.

I’ve often thought of how wise that move was at such a young age—acknowledging my resistance, yet helping me realize I ultimately valued the very thing I was resisting.

To borrow from Elena’s approach, I know it’s hard to believe we can make a difference in the world, and it's easy to put aside requests to try. But if we were going to change the world together, what kind of world would YOU want to create?  

While we can’t promise you a dog, if you support our work on Colorado Gives Day, we can commit to using your investment to create a world where the many work as one for the good of all.  We see this happening in communities across Colorado every day at the Civic Canopy, and with your support, we can reach even more.


Bill Fulton Founder and Executive Director The Civic Canopy

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This fundraiser supports

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The Civic Canopy

Organized By William Fulton

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