Rhossy's Run for Refugees- 5k.

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

ECDC African Community Center
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This May, I'll be participating in the Run for Refugees event with the African Community Center!


raised by 13 people

$5,000 goal

Running to Support Women’s Programing at the African Community Center

I am running the 5k and raising 5k at the 2024 Denver, Colfax Marathon. All funds raised will go directly to the African Community Center’s We Made This program, which exists to empower women through craftsmanship and entrepreneurship. I have been in the United States for 8 years, and have always believed that it is extremely important to welcome people who are fleeing persecution and create a Safe and Sustainable environment for them. This is what the African Community Center, where I have had the tremendous privilege of working for the past 2 years, is doing. I am running to raise awareness for Refugee Women’s Programming at ACC.

I think it is important to give you context on Refugees and provide you with Refugee Resettlement Facts:

According to the UNHCR, there are 5 things to know about refugee resettlement:

1.     Refugees do not apply for resettlement themselves. UNHCR identifies vulnerable cases to be considered for resettlement.

2.     Only the most vulnerable refugees are considered. All refugees who are referred must fit at least one category, some of which include:

-       Physical protection needs.

-       Survivors of violence and torture

-       Women & girls at risk

3.     Countries decide which refugees to admit for resettlement.

4.     Persons who have committed serious crimes or who might pose a security threat are not eligible for refugee status or resettlement.

5.     Refugee resettlement saves lives.

6.     And a 6th lesser-known fact, refugees are actually required to pay back the money used for their travel to be resettled in the United States.

The program I am running to support, We Made This, was born with a vision to create a safe, welcoming space for refugee women new to Denver, with just one woman and a few sewing machines. Today, We Made This’ commitment to Refugee Women stands beyond just sewing. The program is committed to unlocking the creativity and leadership potential of each individual through a dynamic and supportive multicultural sewing community.


Since its creation, WMT has developed into a comprehensive program that also provides ESL classes, and art therapy. After graduation all participants of the program receive a certificate for their accomplishments and a sewing machine. The foundation of the program is a 12-week sewing training course that provides introductory, intermediate, artisan level (highest) classes. The approach is customized to meet the unique needs of each individual and to connect the participants with the resources to reach their personal goals. Program graduates may opt to become WMT artisans, producing handbags, accessories, and items for the home, and receive 55% of sales profits from each product they make.

The WMT program is a cornerstone program to ACC, and stands for all that ACC believes in. The program continues to grow, as the need continues to grow, and your support will make a whirlwind difference.

Please join me on my journey of supporting Women's Programming at ACC!  Let me share with you what your donations could do for Refugee Women at ACC: 

  1. $25 could purchase bus tickets for each woman to get to and from the class.
  2. $50 could pay for an hour of ESL.
  3. $100 could purchase sewing supplies for one woman for the duration of the program (12 Weeks).
  4. $150 could purchase a sewing machine for one woman.
  5. $500 could pay for the entire 12 weeks class for one woman. 

ECDC African Community Center is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible and donation tax receipts will be sent to each donor via email.

Every donation will get me closer to reaching my goal!

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