ASP's 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County
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We prevent suicide in Larimer County through training, education, outreach, and offering support.


raised by 0 people

$118,000 goal

With your support, we can reach out goal to decrease suicide in Larimer County by 20%. As an Organizational, Event, or Mission Sponsor you will be supporting our suicide prevention efforts across our community. 

Organizational Sponsors receive recognition all year across all ASP campaigns and events, and get to host one of our missions, too. 

Event Sponsorship is a great way to get the word out about your business and support mental health at the same time by hosting one of our 2024 events: Teen Self Care Fair, Family Self Care Fest, Soul Shop, and Connecting with Intention. 

Mission Sponsorships invite you to get involved on a deeper level with programs that need a financial champion. You can support suicide loss survivors, help us reach priority populations, sponsor a schoolwide suicide prevention program, or stock our lockboxes to reduce access to lethal means in a crisis.

Want to learn more about our Sponsorship Opportunities? Check our website for all the details:

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