2024 ED End of Year Campaign
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Center for Community Wealth BuildingRaise $2,500 by the end of 2024.
raised by 29 people
$2,500 goal
Update #1
We are getting close to our goal of raising $10,000 during the Colorado Gives Day season, from November 1 - December 10, 2024. So far we have raised $8,415! (The total on this page doesn't show the combined totals for all our fundraising pages.) Please help us reach our goal, and thank you for your support!!
As you know, building CCWB has been a labor of love. It is truly an honor to continue to build an organization rooted in economic justice to do what I was once told would be impossible-- to transform our economic system to create an economy that works for all.
The reality is that I have not done this alone. In fact, hundreds of people have and continue to work tirelessly to create an economy that centers the most vulnerable.
Today, I humbly ask you to invest in CCWB and join the movement to transform economic systems and foster self-determined communities rooted in dignity and joy.
Our collaborative approach doesn't just address symptoms—it creates lasting, systemic change for generations to come. Join me in building a more vibrant, innovative, and resilient economy that benefits all.
Will you join us in this transformative work? Together, we can create an economy that works for everyone. Donate today!