Help Me Spread the Crazy Love This Thanksgiving!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Crazy Love Africa
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Please help us build the CLA Community Center in Fort Portal! (I’m the white one in the middle lol)


raised by 0 people

$500 goal

My Story: I had the privilege of traveling to Uganda this summer to check up on Crazy Love Africa’s families. Every single person I met welcomed me and my fellow youth ambassadors into their homes as if we were family. We were fed homemade meals and had lovely conversations. It amazes me how kind people can still be after going through so much. I am truly thankful for my experience and for every person I met.

CLA’s Mission: Crazy Love Africa is a global sisterhood that seeks to make lasting, systemic change. We believe women deserve our effort, attention, respect, and love. We work with vulnerable women in Uganda, empowering them with micro-business grants, sisterhood support circles and by making artisan Fair-Trade crafts so they can provide for their families. Our programs focus on long-term, structural change that will move women and their children out of poverty and stigma and into a sustainable, thriving livelihood.  

Goal of Fundraiser: We are currently building the Crazy Love Africa Community Center to transform the lives of our sisters and their families in Uganda now and for generations to come. The three floors of our community center provide both income for our CLA community to sustain itself for years to come in Uganda and the community space for our programming. We invite you to join us in building our dream. Your generous donation will help us reach our goal of completing our Community Center in 2024! 

Thank you for being a part of this dream come true for our Crazy Love Africa family. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you wonderful people!

❤️, Maegan

This fundraiser supports

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Crazy Love Africa

Organized By Mae Eliz

Giving Activity


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