Word of Thanks: Love for Lily

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Love for Lily
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Donate to sustain Love for Lily's programs for families and medical teams in the Neonatal ICU


raised by 390 people

$20,000 goal

This fundraiser is part of Next with Kyle Clark’s Word of Thanks microgiving campaign.


Love for Lily is a local non-profit supporting families and medical teams in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Please consider making a donation to sustain our programs supporting NICU families and the medical professionals who care for them.

Love for Lily services work to fill the need for social-emotional support for parents of NICU babies. While infants receive world-class medical care, there is often nobody there for the parents.  

Navigating the NICU comes with immense stress: parents have to leave their baby behind in the hospital and sometimes wait weeks just to hold their fragile infant, all while having to make life or death decisions.

See the Impact of your Gift:

$5 provides a coffee card for parents who stayed up late worrying about their child

$15 provides 1 Essentials Bag with items to help ease the transition for a family admitted to the NICU 

$150 funds one facilitated parent group session to support them through the challenges of their NICU journey

What Love for Lily means to the families:

Love for Lily was an unexpected resource during a season of uncertainty. Sahra and her team are encouraging and comforting with their words. They are an amazing resource for all NICU families. Not just NICU moms, but NICU dads too.”

"Love for Lily provided our family with comfort during an uncertain time in a way that made it possible for us to focus on being home and getting into our new “normal” and not some of the other burdens that come along with it."

"Love for Lily provided us with a grant to pursue therapy that was not covered by our insurance...I did not know how transformational this type of therapy could be, and we are so grateful to Love for Lily for providing us with the funds to try it for our son who spent 80 days in the NICU. Without this grant, we would not have been able to afford this therapy. The results have been amazing."

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