Serving our Neighbors in Douglas County, Colorado

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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100% of all donations go directly towards the purchase of healthy food and water filtration units.

8 donors

raised $295

50 donor goal

Did you know that families in Douglas County live with  hunger and contaminated drinking water?

Hunger and Contaminated Drinking Water exist daily, even in Douglas County. A recent statewide survey found that 1 in 3 (33%) of Coloradans are food insecure, meaning they lack reliable access to nutritious food. Though this rate is down from the December survey, this is still a historical high for Colorado. 

Many families who live in mobile home communities or in areas with old lead water pipes, are impacted by contaminated drinking water. According to Conrad Swanson of the Denver Post, “more than a hundred drinking water sources across Colorado — ranging from cities and counties to elementary schools and campgrounds — contain what are now considered to be potentially hazardous levels of PFAS, toxic “forever chemicals” linked to a slew of health problems, data from 2020 shows. And many more drinking water sources across the state are probably similarly contaminated but haven’t yet been tested, experts say, which is cause for concern and immediate action.”

The need is urgent, and we can’t do it without generous donations from caring people like you. 

Your giving will provide nutritious, high caloric non-perishable meals and/or water filtration units to families and individuals in Douglas County who are struggling to get access to food and clean water. 

First-Impact, formerly FIRST (Food Insecurity and Relief Solutions Today), is participating in Colorado Gives on December 5, 2023. We are asking you for a financial donation to our campaign. 100% of your donation will go towards providing healthy non-perishable meals or water filtration products to those in need across Douglas County. All donations are tax-deductible, and a receipt will be mailed to you.

Please give today and join us in our effort to improve the lives of people suffering from hunger/contaminated water, especially during the upcoming holiday season.

Every donation, large or small, makes a difference and we thank you for all that you do to fight hunger and contaminated water in our community.

Thank you for consideration. We wish you a very safe and happy holiday season.

Giving Activity


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