Help Sherb Pay down their 50% of 145 N. Cora St
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Ridgway ChautauquaHelp us pay down our half of the loan for 145 N. Cora - The "Key to the Future" property for Sherb.
raised by 5 people
$230,000 goal
Update #2
We have a great video about this project! Watch the video here:
The Sherbino Theater and the 610 Arts Collective anchor the core of downtown Ridgway. As we consider future growth and programming, the two programming spaces reveal that they are each running out of space.
In 2019, the Ridgway Chautauqua Society (RCS) commissioned a Master Plan from John Baskfield and Kit Meckel, architects (Conterra Workshop). The goal of the Master Facility Plan was to consider integration of the existing buildings – the Sherbino Theater at 604 Clinton and the 610 Arts Collective at 610 Clinton – as well as full consideration of long-term expansion opportunities. Weehawken's needs were also considered within the plan.
In early 2020, The Master Plan identified 145 Cora Street as the optimal expansion opportunity. As you can see from the Master Plan drawing, its proximity to our existing buildings, good street frontage on what is arguably the gateway to downtown, and its lot size are exceptional.
In 2021 RCS and Weehawken Creative Arts (WCA) jointly leased 145 B Cora Street and began utilizing the space for special event storage, classroom and theater rehearsal space.
In early 2022 the opportunity to purchase 145 Cora Street arose. RCS and WCA recently acquired 50/50 title to this property. We are jointly working on plans for how to use this property in the future. 145 Cora Street is an old building with much deferred maintenance but with enormous potential for our organizations and the community.
Phased Approach Details
Phase 1: Down Payments for RCS and WCA to acquire/close: $200,000 ($100,000 RCS / $100,000 WCA) - complete
Phase 2a: Remedy Critical Deferred Maintenance on property: $80,000 - in process. painting complete (2023). awning in process (2023). insulated window coverings in process. signage in process. removal or rear (rotted) tree in process. repair of refrigeration unit in process. Upgrade of physical internal space (flooring, walls, lighting, water heaters) - Still Needed.)
Phase 2b: Retirement of Loan for Sherbino's Portion of debt: $200,000 (goal - complete by Dec, 2025)
Phase 3 (2026-2027): Funding for, and then planning and design of a comprehensive campus to accommodate RCS and WCA current and future needs, to possibly include affordable employee housing: $100,000
Phase 4 (2027-2032): Fundraising & Implementation of campus plan, likely in phases. Likely to include remodel or extension of some buildings and possibly new building particularly on the Cora Street lot.