Wellness for Everyone
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
All Access WellnessEveryone deserves access to mental health and wellness services. Together we can make that happen.
raised by 6 people
$5,000 goal
It's Mental Health Awareness month! What a perfect month to launch our first campaign of 2024! One of All Access Wellness's priorities is to reduce stigma, a significant barrier to accessing help. Help us spread the good word of wellness. We believe that communities thrive when EVERYONE is well.
All Access Wellness was born out of the desire to actively improve access to mental health and wellness services for children, families, and individuals residing in rural Jefferson and Park Counties in Colorado.
We cannot do the important work we do without the financial support of our community. Your donation directly funds our work to create a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Why? Coloradans are struggling with their mental health. More than one in four people reported poor mental health in 2023, higher than any other previous year. According to the Colorado Equity Compass, the rural mountain and frontier communities in Jefferson and Park Counties struggle with extreme primary care and mental health provider shortages.
Mental health is the number one priority in Park County's Public Health Improvement Plan, citing cost, stigma, and availability of mental health appointments as the highest concerns in these communities. Reducing barriers and improving access to mental health services is also the number one priority identified in Jefferson County’s most recent Public Health Improvement Plan.
More than 18% of Park County residents experience health equity challenges, e.g., they identify as LGBTQ+ or live in culturally isolated households, and 46% of children in the county are eligible for Free and Reduced lunch at the public schools. The rates of uninsured Park County residents are higher than the regional and state average, with 11% of children qualifying for Medicaid but not yet enrolled and 7.7% of children uninsured.
Rural Jefferson County, in particular, faces numerous challenges related to mental health care, including limited access to providers, geographical and transportation issues, low rates of treatment prior to suicide, and high rates of suicide. There were 123 suicides in Jefferson County, above the state average in 2022.
How? All Access Wellness supports access to mental health and wellness services through three primary functions:
Funding: All Access Wellness directly funds mental health and wellness services for individuals in need through 1:1 sessions with our approved providers or through free community mental health and wellness groups.
Reducing Stigma and Improving Access: All Access Wellness connects and develops relationships between our approved providers and our community, promotes mental health and wellness, and reduces barriers to accessing services.
Provider Support: All Access Wellness is committed to developing and supporting a robust network of well-supported mental health and wellness clinicians in our community.