Arkansas River Valley LGBTQ+ Fund
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Chaffee County Community FoundationTransforming the Ark River Valley into a more just, welcome, and safe community.
raised by 23 people
$3,500 goal
The Arkansas River Valley LGBTQ+ Fund seeks to create a more just, welcome, and safe community. What started as a brainstorm on how to create resources for local initiatives to educate, raise awareness and foster inclusive leadership, formed into the Arkansas River Valley LGBTQ+ Fund hosted by CCCF. The fund is driven by a steering committee representing allies, agencies, and individuals passionate about creating safer, more inclusive spaces in our community.
We've set a goal to raise $10,000 to relaunch mini-grants in 2025
The outpouring of community support in 2024 has been awesome. In October, we granted $10,000 to local youth organizations, community leaders, and organizations seeking to build more inclusivity into their programs and policies. We want to continue that momentum in 2025. Please help us achieve our goal of raising $10,000 now through Colorado Gives Day - we have just $3,500 to go as of November 1st!
Every dollar raised will get us closer to building a more just, welcoming, and safe community in the Arkansas River Valley.
Steering Committee:
Shelley Schreiner, Survivor Advocate
Andrea Coen, Community Advocate
John McGowan, Community Advocate
Bianka Martinez, Community Advocate
Andrea Carlstrom, Public Health Advocate
Jimmy Sellars, Fund Advisor
Betsy Dittenber, CCCF Liaison