Impact Education in Weld RE-4 - Rachelle Smith

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Partnering with our community to inspire innovation and empower success in our students and staff.


raised by 3 people

$200 goal

The Weld RE-4 Education Foundation values the contributions that our district educators have in our classrooms on a daily basis. Part of our mission is to encourage innovation and creativity in the classroom, and we strive to put more tools into the hands of our teachers to support that goal. My husband and I are proud graduates of Windsor High School. 

I feel strongly about providing new opportunities for our students within our district. 

Funds received by the Foundation are distributed to the schools by the Foundation’s Board of Directors, utilizing a grant process through which teachers or teams of teachers apply to use the funds for a specific project or purpose. Since we are a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization, only a very small percentage of the donated funds goes toward administrative costs.

Giving Activity


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