BETCH Foundation

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Chaffee County Community Foundation
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Bringing Everyone Together through the Crisis of Housing


raised by 16 people

$10,000 goal

BETCH Foundation is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. Through the Foundation, we provide rental subsidies for rent burdened, working households. We have a Fundraising committee and an Affordable Housing Subsidy Grant Committee. Currently all officers, directors, and committee members reside in the town of Salida. We formed this organization because we are on the front lines of the housing crisis and we feel compelled to help.

The housing situation in Chaffee County has reached crisis levels. While there is plenty of assistance for low-income workers, much of the workforce in the county makes too much money to qualify, but not enough to afford housing. According to the Chaffee County Housing Needs Assessment and Strategy, by EPS, “Overall there are a total of 2,400 cost burdened households in the county, 1,200 of which earn less than 60 percent AMI [area median income].” Per the same report, the average rental rates are $1,200 per month and are not affordable to anyone making less than 100% AMI ($51,500/year). 

Currently, BETCH receives much of its funding from the workforce and it is no accident that those are also the people we aim to help. Beyond the limited financial support we have already generated, we benefit from the deep sense of community resulting from getting together to help each other. This is the missing middle–the people who don’t qualify for assistance who still need it. We were established to support the backbone of the economy and we are the backbone of the economy–we are the workers who are on the front line during a pandemic and the housing crisis, without which Salida’s tourism economy would crash. 

There are several different organizations in the area serving low-income persons and families, but a majority of Chaffee County’s workforce makes too much money to qualify for any of these programs. A large number of our community is slipping through the cracks and needs our help. 

The community benefits from our services by supporting the vulnerable populations in need of low income housing by providing an SOS and subsidized housing.

This fundraiser supports

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Chaffee County Community Foundation

Organized By Salty Riggs

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