Bob Thomas Scholarship for Fine Arts

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Red Rocks Community College Foundation

Supporting Fine Arts Students with Scholarships


raised by 1 people

21 years left

My dad, Bob Thomas, was an art professor for most of my life; for several years it was part-time at many different institutions in the Metro Denver Area. And from an early age, I discovered how beloved of an art teacher he was. When I was young and would go to gallery openings (babysitters were expensive), current and former students would approach me, gushing about how much they appreciated my father and his passion and dedication to his students and the fine arts. As I got older, into my 20s and 30s, I would visit my father at school. As before, students would walk up to me singing his accolades. And from the beaming smile on my dad's face during these encounters, it was obvious that these feelings were mutual.

That appreciation and respect that the students had for my father he also had for them and their education. His dedication to his students was most apparent in the classes he developed; courses that would prepare them for what lay ahead after graduation. It was his desire to develop as many working artists in the world as possible. He wanted to do everything in his power to set them up for future success.

The day my dad became a member of the facility at Red Rocks Community College a momentous day for him; it was the first time an educational institution fully valued him by giving him fulltime employment and all the security and stability that that brings. He spent the last 17 years of his teaching career at Red Rocks, at one point serving as the department chair.

I would often ask my dad how things were going at the college. Before replying, his face would light up, a sparkle in his eye. He would tell me about the last time one of his classes had visited his home, often referred to as the "Thomas Fine Art Museum." He always said how these opportunities were so enjoyable for him and he felt that the students also appreciated the experience. If one of my trips home coincided with the end of a semester, he would share with me the positive feedback the students would give him. This was always done with the level of pride usually reserved for describing a new grandchild.

When his Parkinson's symptoms finally forced him to retire, my dad was deeply impacted. His passion for life dimmed when teaching and interacting with students was taken away from him. It is because of this passionate teach that we have come together. And it is in my father's honor that we have created a scholarship fund to further this passion and support for future Red Rocks Community College Fine Art students.

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