Friends of Coal Creek $50,000 Match Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Colorado Nonprofit Development Center (CNDC)
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Unlock a generous match to make our organization strong and expand our local habitat-building work.


raised by 80 people

$50,000 goal

Quality habitat is in rapid decline along the Front Range, leading to fragmentation of ecosystems and weakened resiliency of our lands against climate change.

Friends of Coal Creek believes in the power of nature & community to solve these challenges. Native plants work from the soil up to strengthen the land, provide shelter for native insects and animals, and bring vitality back to the wild spaces and neighborhoods that have lost it. 

Since 2022, Friends of Coal Creek has marshaled a force of volunteers to remove weeds, plant native wildflowers, shrubs and grasses, and clean-up the creek’s banks as it runs through five Front Range cities and towns with a combined population of more than 100,000.

Our goal is to restore health to the watershed and create a swath of high-quality pollinator habitat that follows the creek’s 35-mile run from Golden to Erie. Once connected, it will be the largest of its kind.

Friends of Coal Creek believes in equal access to nature and works with lower-income neighborhoods to restore green spaces to those areas and all the benefits to stress reduction and mental health that go with them. 

Friends of Coal Creek believes we have the power to put resiliency back into the land and regain the vitality we have lost. We partner with businesses, private landowners, municipalities and nonprofits to increase the durability of our work.

Friends of Coal Creek is a partner project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center, a 501(c)(3) organization. Your tax-deductible gift goes toward our programs and services in your local watershed.

This fundraiser supports

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Colorado Nonprofit Development Center (CNDC)

Organized By Friends of Coal Creek Friends of Coal Creek

Giving Activity


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