CTU Boulder Flycasters

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Colorado Trout Unlimited
Fundraiser image


raised by 10 people

$10,000 goal

Your support helps conserve, protect and restore the Boulder Creek's coldwater fisheries and watersheds. Make a difference for Boulder's rivers by donating today!  

Your donation will be used for our South Boulder Creek Watershed Restoration Projects.  Our goal is to raise $10,000 for this project.

The project location is the 10.5-mile reach of South Boulder Creek (SBC) beginning at the mouth of Eldorado Canyon to the confluence with Boulder Creek.  This reach of SBC is a highly segmented and diverted waterway. For its relative length, it is a complex, regulated and highly utilized stretch.

  • There are water users across multiple categories (municipal, agricultural, recreational, industrial / commercial, private landowners).
  • This reach passes through or along approximately 5 miles of City of Boulder Open Space and is a heavily used recreation area (hiking, running, biking, bird watching, fishing)
  • The reach is segmented by 17, channel spanning, diversion structures, blocking aquatic organism passage, and reducing natural creek function
  • It is home to native / non-native fish, listed species, and areas of critical habitat (USFWS) and conservation – for example:  Preble’s meadow jumping mouse, Ute Ladies’-tresses orchid, bobolink, and plains topminnow
  • During the winter months, the reach suffers from no-to-extremely-low flows, risking this lifeline for many species

SBC – Watershed Restoration Phase III will be the next in a series of projects to further the goals of creating fish passage and supporting the operation of an Environmental Pool (EP) being built as part of the Gross Reservoir Expansion Project (for supporting minimum flows).   The efforts required to modify ditch structures to pass and administer the EP minimum flow requirements presents opportunities to reconnect up to 9 miles of this 10.5-mile stretch (aquatic species / fish passage), improve in-stream and bank-side habitat, improve flood resilience, and update / improve ditch operations through structure improvements and automation.

 Bank Stabilization and Revegetation Efforts

Temporary Fix to Leaking Control Gate -

Aquatic Species Blocking Diversion Structure for Removal / Replacement

Our Mission

Boulder Flycasters works to conserve, protect, and restore the Boulder Creek watershed, “our Home Waters,” and associated aquatic species, habitat, flows and recreation.  As a “One TU,” grassroots arm of our parent organization, Trout Unlimited, we use cooperation, collaboration, advocacy, and education to promote conservation. 

Boulder Flycasters works to:

  • Protect high quality habitat for native and wild coldwater fish, and to maintain free flowing rivers.
  • Reconnect fragmented fish populations and habitats by restoring flows to dewatered rivers and re-opening fish passage.
  • Restore watersheds by working in collaboration with other conservation and governmental organizations, as well as private landowners and water-rights holders, to preserve and improve the quality of habitats that support coldwater and native fish, and result in healthy water for communities and agriculture.
  • Sustain the efforts of our volunteers and supporters by inspiring a strong conservation ethic in the next generation of river stewards.

Thank you for your support!

-Boulder Flycasters

Connect with us:

P.O. Box 541, Boulder, CO 80306

Email:  boulderflycasters@gmail.com

On the web:   www.Boulderflycasters.org

On Instagram:  Instagram.com/boulderflycasters

On Facebook:   Facebook.com/boulderflycasters

On LinkedIn:  www. LinkedIn.com/in/boulder-flycasters-413976264

Giving Activity


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