Climb with Me for ACC Scholarships!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Arapahoe Community College Foundation
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The ACC Foundation aims to raise $20k for scholarships! We ask you for your support.


raised by 2 people

$20,000 goal

Lets climb together for SCHOLARSHIPS on CO Gives Day!

Did you know that 4 out of 10 part-time Arapahoe Community College students don’t return the second semester?!

Not because of inability to perform academically, but because they juggle jobs, family, and general life challenges while trying to attend school. 

These students NEED FINANCIAL SUPPORT to help them achieve their educational goals. Fulfillment of their educational goals translate to: more nurses, more cyber security, and more skilled workers for Colorado. 

Because of our communities’ compassion for students—and our donors’ deep-set belief that higher education is crucial to a vibrant community ACC continues to be a leader in innovative community college education! 

This fundraiser supports

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Arapahoe Community College Foundation

Organized By Laura Reinhold

Giving Activity


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