Rocky Mountain Sled Dog Club

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Montrose Community Foundation
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raised by 2 people

The Rocky Mountain Sled Dog Club (RMSDC) promotes the art and joy of mushing through racing events, outreach, education and responsible stewardship of the sport. Sprint races ranging from four to fifteen miles as well as fun runs are hosted. There are two participation levels-seasoned mushers and newer recreational mushers. There are youth races for those under 14 years old. Depending on the season, events include bikejor, canicross, rigs, skijoring, fat bike bikejor and sleds. Sledding uses 2,4,6,8 or more dogs and the length of the race is usually equal to the number of dogs used. Skijorers usually race for 4 miles with one dog and 6 miles when using 2 dogs.

Explore our website for race schedules, fun runs or come to an event to talk to the mushers.  There are members with over 25 years of experience who love to talk about their dogs and help beginners get started!

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