Support Serving Kids on Colorado Gives Day 2024

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Jeffco Schools Foundation
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Donate this Colorado Gives Day to help us provide clothing for Jeffco students in need!


raised by 15 people

Your donation today will go towards our Colorado Gives Day goal. You don't have to wait until December 10th!

Children living in poverty face innumerable difficulties. With your support this Colorado Gives Day, having clothes does not have to be one of them.

A typical clothing package for a full week of school.

Sometimes a student's biggest obstacle to being successful may be as basic as the lack of appropriate or warm clothing to wear to school. School personnel are usually the first to recognize the need. Clothing is delivered to the employee, who then gives it to the student. Serving Kids volunteers act behind the scenes to allow caring employees the joy of making their students happy. In the 2023-24 school year, Serving Kids fulfilled 1,636 clothing requests for Jeffco students in need. This included: 755 winter coats; 1,708 jackets and hoodies; 7,971 tops; 4,978 bottoms; 1,535 pairs of footwear; 7,000 pairs of new underwear; and 7,525 pairs of new socks!

Giving Activity



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