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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Colorado Public Radio
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Denverite is a member-supported news organization capturing local stories that matter


raised by 89 people

Denverite is a member-supported news organization for the curious and concerned in our ever-changing city.

Every local news story you read and every “things to do” list you enjoy on Denverite is dependent on your support. In fact, individual gifts of $5, 10 or $25 from readers make up nearly all of Denverite’s funding.

Your gift today will go directly to support the services you enjoy and rely on. Your support ensures that thousands of other Denverites will have access to free, fair and accurate information.

It only takes a few minutes to make an essential difference. Become a donor or make an additional gift to Denverite with your donation of any amount today.

Denverite's know that we’re here for them, and that without them, we won’t be here. Here’s what they say:

“You make Denver feel like a small town again. Interesting topics, great writing.”

“Denverite does a great job capturing local stories that matter.”

“Denverite’s journalism provides a public record, investigative reporting & political accountability.”

“I cannot help but read Denverite daily; candid and caring.”

That’s why they’re helping pay for local journalism that matters to them. Will you help, too?

This fundraiser supports

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Colorado Public Radio

Organized By Colorado Public Radio CPR

Giving Activity


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