DSA Drama Dash for The Denver Actors Fund
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
The Denver Actors FundHow to donate to the DSA Theatre's annual service project for The Denver Actors Fund.
raised by 34 people
$7,000 goal
Every year, DSA Theatre makes an effort to contribute to our community by donating to the Denver Actors Fund and giving back to the incredible community of artists that surrounds us. The DAF is a source of immediate assistance for when members of the Colorado theater community find themselves in situational medical need. Over the past 11 years, the DAF has helped pay down medical expenses for Colorado theater artists on and off stage by $1.5 million. Among the more than 600 artists the DAF has helped include several members of DSA's own Guest Artist Faculty – and, since then, dozens of DAF theater alums as well – in times of medical need. This past year, one DSA parent who is also a local sound designer for several local theater companies was incapacitated by a T-boning car accident, and the DAF provided nearly $10,000 in support.
DSA Theatre is the DAF’s longest-running school partner, providing support through various service projects that have now totaled about $27,000 since 2014. The DSA Drama Dash is not only an important bonding exercise to start the school year on a bonding note, but it provides tangible help for people right in and around our immediate community.
This year, we're adding this online donation method for your convenience. To contribute to the DAF, students and families can now donate by using this fundraising page; by dropping off a cash or check to the mandatory meeting on Friday, Aug. 16; or through money-sharing apps like Venmo, Zelle, PayPal or Facebook. Please include "DSA" in your donation description so the DAF properly attributes your donation to the Drama Dash. Thank you!