Elevate the Aurora Sentinel for Everyone

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Aurora Sentinel Community Media
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Join the Sentinel in providing trusted, fact-based journalism for everyone in the region.


raised by 0 people

$40,000 goal

20 days left

We’re different. So are you.

The Sentinel not only cares deeply about bringing our readers accurate and critical news, we insist all of the crucial stories we provide are available for everyone — for free.

Like you, we know how critical accurate and dependable information and facts are in making the best decisions about, well, everything that matters.

Factual, credible reporting is crucial to a sound democracy, a solid community and a satisfying life. 

So there’s no paywall at SentinelColorado.com. Our print editions are free on stands across the region, and our daily email E-ditions are free just for signing up, to anyone.

But we need your help to carry out this essential mission.

The cost of producing top-notch journalism is steep. We need community members like you to become partners and help us. 

Even if it’s a little, it means a lot.

The Sentinel is owned and operated by the non-profit, 501(C)(3) community-led group Aurora Sentinel Community Media. That means your donation may be tax deductible.

We're one of the state's oldest and respected news sources, regularly garnering statewide journalism honors while competing with the largest newsrooms in Colorado.

If stories like what you see at SentinelColorado.com matter, help us keep the Sentinel here when you need us, for everyone.

 Join us now. Beginning Dec. 2, 2024, 

your donation up to $1,000 is matched, dollar for dollar by the grants from Institute for Nonprofit News Corp and the Colorado Media Project #NewsCoNeeds project.

Thank you from Team Sentinel for your support.

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