Pitch In for Music!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Mountain Sage Community School
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Raising funds to support the music program at Mountain Sage Community School.


raised by 64 people

$5,000 goal

Music is a foundation of our program!

From singing during transition times to all-school performances on stage, Mountain Sage students experience music in several ways through their time at school. Walk the hallways on any given day and you will hear the sounds of pentatonic flutes, xylophones, ukuleles, piano, and joyful singing of seasonal songs floating through the air. The students learn that they are musical beings through each interaction.

The Need

Mountain Sage serves 300 K-8 students with an average class size of 24. Our music department has far fewer instruments than allow for each student to play on their own instrument during class; often times there are two, even three, children sharing. While sharing is wonderful, in music class it means that half the learning is taking place. If every child had an instrument in good working condition, the class could do more with their time together. Here's a snapshot inventory of some of the key instruments students use:

  • 15 xylophones (not all working properly)
  • 15 metallophones (not all working properly)
  • 125 wooden recorders for 150 elementary students
  • 85 recorders for 95 middle school students

Each of these instruments experiences a lot of use and many are in need of repair or replacement. 

When our school opened in 2012, we served far fewer children. We have slowly acquired additional instruments, with the last influx of new instruments in 2020 when ukuleles were added to our program. Our students deserve more instruments and those that are in better shape.

The Ask

We hope to raise $5,000 to purchase new and additional instruments for our music program. We will also repair any instruments where it is applicable. 

The instruments we use are coupled with the Waldorf-inspired curriculum and are of a certain quality. The prices reflect their beautiful musicality. Here are a few:

  • One bass xylophone = $1185
  • One metallophone = $1130
  • One wooden recorder = $282
  • One pentatonic flute = $150
  • One tenor recorder = $80

Your donation of any amount will go a long way! Consider:

  • $25 could cover a few wooden instrument accessories
  • $50 could cover a set of mallots
  • $100 could cover a tenor recorder and accessories
  • $300 could cover 1 wooden recorder
  • $500 could cover almost half a percussive instrument
  • If every MSCS family donated $20 per student, we would exceed our goal of $5,000!

Thank you for supporting our amazing students and the wonderful Dr. Roberts by pitching in for music at Mountain Sage!

“When the human being hears music, he has a sense of wellbeing, because these tones harmonize with what he has experienced in the world of his spiritual home.”- Rudolf Steiner

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