Help me feed yummy street tacos to friends in need

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Kitchen One for One
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Kitchen One for One serves compassion, connection and delicious tacos to our neighbors in need!


raised by 1 people

$500 goal

There was a time in my life when putting food on the table for my children and myself was difficult.  We lived paycheck to paycheck, and treats did not fit in the budget.  We were happy just being together, but did not have a lot of variety in what we ate.  I honestly wish Kitchen One for One would have been around at that time in my life!!  

Kitchen One for One is a ministry guided by faith, using food to connect with people and loving them the way that Christ loves us.  Many of our neighbors go to bed hungry!   Inflation and the high cost of living has made food insecurity prevalent.  Kitchen One for One is making a difference in communities like Idaho Springs, and facilities like Life Center in Littleton, and several homeless shelters in the Denver metro area.  I would love for you to be a part of it.  Our Denver-based food truck is providing hope and dignity one taco at a time.

Please join me in supporting this cause.  A donation of $12.00 will provide a meal to one person.  $48.00 will feed 4.  

Thank you and God Bless,


This fundraiser supports

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Kitchen One for One

Organized By Bobbie Brunton

Giving Activity



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