September School: Everybody Belongs Here

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

September School
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These 5 kids right here. September School is a safe place for them to heal, grow, and learn.


raised by 2 people

$1,000 goal

As Head of School at September School, the end of the year campaign is part of my job. I write appeals about the life-changing work we do for the epic, beautiful, hilarious teens in our school. Kids who haven't thrived in other environments. (You know the environments I mean: the competitive, regressive, exclusionary, non-research based ones.) Kids with learning disabilities that other schools refuse to accommodate. Kids in the LGBTQ community who feel alternately bullied and invisible. (Currently, out of 70 students in Middle and High School, 20 identify as trans and 6 of those students moved from out of state to attend September School.) Kids with personal and family trauma who need support to heal while they are doing school. Kids who care about the world and want to learn more than just what the textbook says. They want the space to become activists: for themselves; for others; for the planet.

But since COVID hit, my kids are now students at September School. While their schools were online, September School was in person. Outside. When kids were returning to school and the work and testing resumed, my kids were in a learning community that provides a holistic approach to education. Licensed therapists. Community connections. Fun and creativity. Lots of fresh air. And this school is saving their lives.

Maria, a senior, who has been through personal trauma and medical issues, will graduate in June. She is applying to college in California and Hawaii with the goal to be a Marine Biologist. 

Zaiyna, a senior, who joined our family last year after years of housing insecurity and family instability, will graduate in June. She is applying to college at CU Denver with plans to be a Civil Engineer. 

Ella, my step-daughter, is a junior who has found her voice and her confidence as a student and an activist. She plans to go to college for political science and change the world.

Felix, my son who is trans, is a sophomore and a talented musician, artist, writer and dreamer. September School has provided a safe place for him to nurture his talents. 

Sam, a freshman, who has struggled with school attendance due to family trauma, anxiety, and the interruption of the pandemic, is thriving at September School due to the small class size, high engagement and supportive relationships with teachers and counselors.

So, if you know me and my kids and the journey we've been on- please give to September School. They attend here for free because I work here, but it would be great to have a contribution toward what tuition would cost.

If you keep hearing about learning loss and anxiety in kids and trans kids not being safe and welcomed- please give to September School. We are doing the work and making a difference.



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