Investing in Abundance

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Civic Canopy
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Thanks for investing in The Civic Canopy as a vital resource in Colorado's civic ecosystem!

6 donors

raised $2,025

30 donor goal

With all the national discussion about "threats to democracy," it is easy to despair about the road ahead.  But our experience of working with communities to solve complex problems together makes us not only hopeful about what happens when those closest to problems help design the solutions, but also confident that the only way to strengthen democracy is by tending to its roots in local communities.  The Civic Canopy helps connect local, grassroots efforts to improve community life into a larger network of powerful, passionate people working to ensure everyone has the chance to thrive.  Thanks for supporting our work, and for joining our growing network.

This fundraiser supports

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Civic Canopy

Organized By William Fulton

Giving Activity


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