Cap & Gown Club

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Bootstraps, Inc.
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Join the Cap & Gown Club to help mountain-area students on a monthly basis!


raised by 2 people

2 years left

Give the gift of continuing education to promising students in the mountain area who have financial need. We invite you to celebrate the more than 75 year tradition of helping mountain-area students reach their educational dreams with us by joining the Cap and Gown Club. Our goal is to increase the number of monthly supporters to 75 and have an even more substantial impact on the students we serve. 

$25/month can provide an emergency loan to a college student facing a financial crisis that could force them to drop out in their last semester. Research shows that $300 can make the difference as to whether or not a student graduates.
$50/month can pay for textbooks for a semester. The high cost of textbooks is prohibitive for some students; for example, the MSRP of Campbell Biology, 11th Edition is $219.
$75/month will allow a student to work six hours less per week during the school year, time that can be spent on their studies

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