Help Jose support Convivir Colorado!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Convivir Colorado
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Help me support immigrant, refugee, and 1st-generation youth and build a more just society for all.


raised by 23 people

$3,000 goal

About Me Section

My name is José. I am a proud immigrant, Convivir board member, and (relatively) new dad. I have lived in the United States for 30 years. During 28 of those years, I was fully undocumented or a DACA recipient. It has now been two years since I've had the security, stability, and sense of permanence that lawful permanent resident status affords. As I reflect on my childhood and early adulthood experiences, I only wish that there had been a Convivir for me to feel in community and affirmed in my identity as an immigrant. Now, as I raise my 8-month old daughter as a first-gen American, I am grateful that Convivir exists for children like her and families like ours.

Will you join me in building a more just society for all? 

What Convivir Colorado Does

We leverage the power of storytelling, artistic expression, and community building to encourage self-empowerment and leadership development. Convivir offers our students safe spaces to find pride in their migrant identity, opportunities to apply their leadership, and a community that will support them along the way.

Why Convivir Colorado Exists

25% of nationwide minors are part of an immigrant family, including 1 million undocumented children and 4.5 million US-born children of undocumented immigrants. In Colorado specifically, 10% of the population is foreign-born and more than half are not citizens.

False narratives - fueled by xenophobia at worst and misinformation at best - add mental health challenges to the long list of obstacles our youth face such as language barriers, income instability, and educational inequity. But we can all agree that *all* students, regardless of their national origin or immigration status, deserve the opportunity to succeed.

What Convivir Colorado Has Been Up To

This summer, 25 students across metro Denver had the opportunity to weave their personal stories into a mural that reflects their immigration journey. They collaborated with local muralist Diego Florez as part of our annual "Immigrant Impact" summer program. 

In fact, this summer program is Convivir's signature learning experience. Students commit to at least 40 hours over 25 days to deep dive into how immigration has impacted them and the world around them. Through this lens they share stories, create art, and connect their immigration journey to their own identity, their family's experiences, and the policies and media portrayal that surround them. A big component is understanding their own role in creating change, so students apply their leadership through a community-based art project.


  • "Convivir has helped me get out of my comfort zone by exposing me to things that I never thought I would be capable of doing. They also paid me!!!" - Mentorship Program Student
  • "This discussion has made me think about my own stories and put them to further use. I never thought how powerful my story could be. Thank you for reminding me of my power." - Youth Summit Studen 

Ask of You

If you are asking yourself how you might be able to get involved, below are some ways you can support Convivir’s efforts.

  1. Volunteer your time
  2. Sponsor a lunch/dinner for students
  3. Donate tickets for activities in Denver for students
  4. Help provide school supply donations
  5. Provide a monetary donation  

Your Impact

As a local startup, we would love to count on your support to help us maintain operations and programming for immigrant, refugee, and first-gen youth.  If you are interested in volunteering your time, please contact us directly and we will follow up with you to discuss future opportunities. 

Financial contributions allow us to continue providing:

  1. Free programming for low-income 6th through 12th grade students in Aurora and Denver
  2. A diverse range of opportunities, including our summer program, mentorship program, advocacy campaigns, and trainings
  3. Alignment of our curriculum with social-emotional learning and migrant education standards
  4. Wrap-around support, including bilingual family engagement and educator resources
  5. Continued organizational leadership of immigrants, women, and youth 

Any amount you donate will have a powerful impact!

  • $20 covers supplies and shipping for one student
  • $25 covers a dinner gift card for one student
  • $50 covers one student’s honorarium for a public speaking engagement
  • $100 covers one student’s stipend for a quarter in the mentorship program

Thank you for believing in Convivir and in the power of our youth! Your continued support will make a significant impact in the lives of so many.


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