God's Love Breaks Through Using People Like You!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Healing Wings Ministries, Inc.You're invited to help Healing Wings Ministries raise money to fund our rural outreaches in 2024!
raised by 5 people
$50,000 goal
Update #2
Healing Wings Ministries: Sent out to heal brokenness, unveil identity, then arm overcomers to advance God’s Kingdom.
This holiday season you’re invited to help Healing Wings Ministries raise money to fund our outreaches in 2024. With your help we can break through trauma and hopelessness with God's love to heal, redeem and restore. Hearts ravaged by abuse, addiction and adversity can finally taste the joy of freedom.
God’s love breaks through using people like you!
No amount is too large or too small. Your tax-deductible gift will be put to work breaking through hopelessness and self-preservation. Together we can break the power of bondage, and carry broken hearts to the arms of a healing Savior.
Love breaks through hopelessness and crushes fear.
Living in a rural area made it easy to stay hidden, but the isolation only compounded her issues. Increasing fear and paranoia made it difficult to go home. Even with drugs and alcohol, each day became impossible to drown out the evil voices that tormented her. Until one day, God’s love invaded the darkness that held her captive. Renouncing all of her past influences, she asked Christ to rescue her broken life and be King of her heart. She was baptized in a livestock trough as a testimony of her new found faith and Love. Today, she continues walking in her deliverance and brand new life in Christ.
God’s love will break through identities hand carved by hell so their true self can emerge.
*Jake had a tender heart, too tender for the crime family he was born into. At the age of 8, his father took him to a warehouse to “toughen” him up. He was beaten so badly by the men he trusted that it took 36 agonizing months in a body cast for his bones to heal. Jake's shattered heart however, became a prisoner locked in trauma. Anger and rage took the place of the tender heart God gave him, making it easy to be groomed in a life of crime by the father that should have protected him.
Then one day, God’s love broke through the walls that kept his true identity captive. He surrendered the terror of his childhood and the terrorizing he had done as a gang leader in exchange for the “adoption” as a much loved son. With one decision He found Love that was powerful enough to calm the storm inside. As a new creation in Christ, he was realigned with the identity he was created to become. *name changed
Your generous gift has the power to rewrite their future! Thank you for going with us... it wouldn't be the same without YOU!