Be an "angel" for a horse in need.
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Spring Creek Horse RescueYour "Angel" donation goes directly for food, shelter, and medications for horses in need.
raised by 16 people
$7,000 goal
Transform the life of a horse in need by becoming an angel for a horse at Spring Creek Horse Rescue.
If you dream of having a horse, but can't, or have simply been a horse-lover all your life, you can help provide food, shelter, and health care for one (or more) of the 32 horses cared for at SCHR.
"Angel" a horse by providing a one-time or reoccurring donation.
Choose a level or set your own amount:
CHERUB -- Provide grain for a senior horse for one week. $30
SERAPH -- Buy hay for a horse for one month (they love their hay!) $150
ANGEL -- Sponsor hay, feed, bedding, medication, and vet bills for a horse for one month. $300
Visit to learn about all of our horses and pick your favorite(s) to angel. You can meet the equines in our care through mini bios here.