The Jake Evens Athletic Achievement Scholarship

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Bootstraps, Inc.
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Jake Evens Athletic Achievement Scholarship


raised by 49 people

10 years left

Incentive Fund

Amount: $0.25

Provided By: Bootstraps

Details: Bootstraps will match all funds received for this scholarship by 25%.


Jake Evens received a Bootstraps scholarship in 2015 upon graduation from Conifer High School. He used the scholarship to attend Colorado Mesa University. Jake prided himself on being conscientious in his school work and he credited sports with helping him stay focused in school. In his application for a Bootstraps scholarship, Jake wrote, "My life has revolved around sports for most of my life, starting when I was around 8 years old and this has formed me to be the guy I am today." Many people described Jake as a special young man who made life better for everyone. He is missed by his family and friends and they have established this scholarship to keep his memory alive.

This fundraiser supports

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Bootstraps, Inc.

Organized By Colleen Skates

Giving Activity


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