Support Spero Justice Center on Colorado Gives Day
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
The Hadanou CollectiveSupport SJC's work to end mass incarceration in Colorado.
raised by 13 people
$10,000 goal
Spero Justice Center’s mission is to end mass incarceration in Colorado.
In Colorado, as elsewhere, long sentences are a key driver of mass incarceration. Hundreds of individuals are imprisoned in Colorado serving outdated sentences that are far harsher than the law would require today. In many cases, individuals receive extreme sentences due to harsh mandatory minimums that take away judges' ability to consider individuals' background and circumstances, even in cases where the defendant is an adolescent, a veteran, or a survivor of domestic violence.
Spero Justice Center is the only non-profit in Colorado that provides free legal representation to individuals serving unjust and excessive sentences. We also work to change policy, advocating for laws that allow individuals who are demonstrably rehabilitated to apply for early release.
This holiday season, support second chances and the movement for a just, equitable criminal legal system.
Learn more about Spero Justice Center here: